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Environmental Studies – II FYBCOM Semester II Manan Prakashan


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Environmental Studies FYBCOM Manan Prakashan Semester II

1. Solid Waste Management for Sustainable Society (13 Lec.)
Classification of Solid Wastes – Types and Sources of Solid Waste ; Effects of Solid Waste Pollution – Health hazards, Environmental Impacts;
Solid Waste Management – solid waste management in Mumbai – Schemes and initiatives run by MCGM – Role of citizens in waste management in urban and rural areas.
2. Agriculture and Industrial Development (13 Lec.)
Environmental Problems Associated with Agriculture: Loss of Productivity, Land Degradation, Desertification – Uneven Food Production – Hunger, Malnutrition and Food Security – Sustainable Agricultural practices Environmental Problems Associated with Industries – Pollution – Global warming, Ozone Layer Depletion, Acid rain – Sustainable Industrial practices – Green Business and Green Consumerism, Corporate Social Responsibility towards environment
3. Tourism and Environment (13 Lec.)
Tourism : Meaning, Nature, Scope and importance –Typology of tourism – classification; Tourism potentials in India and challenges before India; New Tourism Policy of India; Consequences of tourism : Positive and Negative Impacts on Economy, Culture and environment – Ecotourism
4. Environmental Movements and Management (13 Lec.)
Environmental Movements in India : Save Narmada Movement, Chipko Movement, Appiko Movement, Save Western Ghats movement; Environmental Management: Concept, need and relevance; Concept of ISO 14000 and 16000; Concept of Carbon Bank and Carbon Credit, EIA, Ecological footprint; Environment Protection Acts; Concept and Components of Geospatial Technology – Applications of GST in Environmental Management
5. Map Filling (08 Lec.)
Map Filling of Konkan and Mumbai (Environmentally Significant Features)

Additional Information


BoardMumbai University
AUTHORV. G. Amrite, Chandana Chakraborti
PUBLISHERManan Prakashan
SUBJECTEnvironmental Studies – II FYBCOm Semester II

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