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COMMERCE TYBCOM VI (Human Resource Management) Semester VI Manan Prakashan


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TYBCOM semester VI



1. Human Resource Management (12 Lec.)
l Human Resource Management – Concept, Functions, Importance, Traditional v/s Strategic Human Resource Management
l Human Resource Planning – Concept, Steps in Human Resource Planning
Job Analysis – Concept, Components
Job Design – Concept, Techniques
l Recruitment – Concept, Sources of Recruitment
Selection – Concept, Process, Techniques of E-Selection
2. Human Resource Development (11 Lec.)
l Human Resource Development – Concept, Functions
Training – Concept, Process of Identifying Training and Development Needs, Methods of Training and Development (Apprenticeship, Understudy, Job Rotation, Vestibule Training, Case Study, Role Playing, Sensitivity Training, In Basket Management Games)
Evaluating Training Effectiveness – Concept, Methods
l Performance Appraisal – Concept, Benefits, Limitations, Methods
Potential Appraisal – Concept, Importance
l Carrer Planning – Concept, Importance
Succession Planning – Concept, Need
Mentoring – Concept, Importance
Counselling – Concept, Techniques
3. Human Relations (11 Lec.)
l Human Relations – Concept, Significance
Leadership – Concept, Transactional and Transformational Leadership
Motivation – Concept, Theories of Motivation (Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory, Vroom’s Expectancy Model, McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y, Pink’s Theory of Motivation)
l Employees Morale – Concept, Factors Affecting Morale, Measurement of Employee Morale
Emotional Quotient and Spiritual Quotient – Concept, Factors Affecting EQ and SQ
l Employee Grievance – Causes, Procedure for Grievance Redressal
Employee Welfare Measures and Healthy and Safety Measures
4. Trends in Human Resource Management  (11 Lec.)
l HR in Changing Environment :
Competencies : Concept, Classification
Learning Organisation – Concept, Creating an Innovative Organisation
Innovation Culture – Concept, Need, Managerial Role
l Trends in Human Resource Management :
Employee Engagement – Concept, Types
Human Resource Information System (HRIS) – Concept, Importance
Changing Pattern of Employment
l Challenges in Human Resource Management :
Employee Empowerment, Workforce Diversity, Attrition, Downsizing, Employee Absenteeism, Work Life Balance, Sexual Harassment at Work Place, Domestic and International HR Practices, Millennial (Gen Y) Competency Mapping

Additional Information


BOARDMumbai University
AUTHORMichael Vaz and Aurora vaz
PUBLISHERManan Prakashan
SUBJECTCommerce VI Human Resource Management

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