The Stranger Books

Advertising SYBCOM – II Semester IV Manan Prakashan


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Advertising SYBCOM – II Semester IV Manan Prakashan
Contents :
1. Media in Advertising (11 Lec.)
l Traditional Media : Print, Broadcasting, Out-Of-Home advertising, and films – advantages, and limitations of all the above traditional media
l New Age Media: Digital Media / Internet Advertising – Forms, Significance, and Limitations
l Media Research: Concept, Importance, Tool for regulation – ABC and Doordarshan Code
2. Planning Advertising Campaigns (11 Lec.)
l Advertising Campaign: Concept, Advertising Campaign Planning -StepsDetermining advertising objectives – DAGMAR model
l Advertising Budgets: Factors determining advertising budgets, methods of setting advertising budgets, Media Objectives – Reach, Frequency, and GRPs
l Media Planning: Concept, Process, Factors considered while selecting media, Media Scheduling Strategies
3. Fundamentals of Creativity in Advertising (11 Lec.)
l Creativity: Concept and Importance, Creative Process, Concept of Créative Brief, Techniques of Visualization
l Creative aspects: Buying Motives – Types, Selling Points- Features, Appeals – Types, Concept of Unique Selling Preposition (USP)
l Creativity through Endorsements: Endorsers – Types, Celebrity Endorsements – Advantages and Limitations, High Involvement and Low Involvement Products
4. Execution and Evaluation of Advertising (12 Lec.)
l Preparing print ads : Essentials of Copywriting, Copy – Elements, Types, Layout- Principles, Illustration – Importance
l Creating broadcast ads: Execution Styles, Jingles and Music – Importance, Concept of Storyboard
l Evaluation: Advertising copy, Pre-testing, and Post-testing of Advertisements – Methods and Objectives

Additional Information


BOARD Mumbai University
ISBN 978-93-89293-31-9
AUTHOR Michael Vaz and Aurora vaz
PUBLISHER Manan  Prakashan
ED All
SUBJECT Advertising

New Books, Old Books


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