The Stranger Books


Education Standard Twelve Arts


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Education Standard  Twelve  XII

Education Standard Twelve Arts




  1. Indian Educational Thinkers
  2. Education in Post-Independence India
  3. Socialization
  4. Learning Process
  5. Educational Management and Administration
  6. Curriculum and Educational Evaluation
  7. Educational Research Methods
  8. New Trends in Education


1. Indian Educational Thinkers

* To be able to tell educational thoughts of Rabindranath Tagore.
* To be able to tell educational contribution of Rabindranath Tagore.
* To be able to tell educational thoughts of Swami Vivekananda.
* To be able to tell educational contribution of Swami Vivekananda.
* To be able to tell educational thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi.
* To be able to tell educational contribution of Mahatma Gandhi.
* To be able to tell educational thoughts of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan.
* To be able to tell educational contribution of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan.
* To be able to tell educational thoughts of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar.
* To be able to tell educational contribution of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar.

2. Education in post-independence India

* To be able to tell the background of University Education Commission.
* To be able to explain the main objectives of University Education Commission.
* To be able to tell the main recommendations of University Education Commission.
* To be able to tell the background of Secondary Education Commission.
* To be able to explain the main objectives of Secondary Education Commission.
* To be able to tell the main recommendations of Secondary Education Commission.
* To be able to tell the background of Indian Education Commission.
* To be able to explain the main objectives of Indian Education Commission.
* To be able to tell the main recommendations of Indian Education Commission.
* To be able to tell the background of National Education Policy 1986.
* To be able to explain the main objectives of National Education Policy 1986.
* To be able to explain the salient features of National Education Policy 1986.
* To be able to tell the background of National Curriculum Framework 2005.
* To be able to tell the educational aims stated in National Curriculum Framework 2005.
* To be able to tell the nature of National Curriculum Framework 2005.
* To be able to tell the background of State Education Framework 2010.
* To be able to explain the main principles of State Education Framework 2010.
* To be able to explain the salient features of State Education Framework 2010.
* To be able to tell the background of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009.
* To be able to tell the main provisions of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009.

3. Socialization

* To be able to tell the concept of socialization.
* To be able to explain the role of teacher in socialization.
* To be able to tell the concept of social transformation.
* To be able to explain the characteristics of social transformation.
* To be able to explain the factors which bring in social transformation.
* To be able to explain the role of teacher in social transformation.
* To be able to tell the concept of mass communication media.
* To be able to explain the types of mass communication media.
* To be able to tell the benefits of mass communication media.
* To be able to tell the limitations of mass communication media


Additional Information


BOARDMaharashtra State Board
PUBLISHERVivek Uttam Gosavi Controller
SUBJECTEducation Standard Twelve Arts

New Books, Old Books


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